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Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Piattaforma : Nintendo Switch
4,8 4,8 su 5 stelle 25.118 voti

66,47 €
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{"desktop_buybox_group_1":[{"displayPrice":"66,47 €","priceAmount":66.47,"currencySymbol":"€","integerValue":"66","decimalSeparator":",","fractionalValue":"47","symbolPosition":"right","hasSpace":true,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"BwhyoTB%2FNrOmMJF4GiR0yo4LPrSFIDqYkOds6u9HtHZS7x1ojxCuEgC09jmZPhis9R1A0FizDeDej%2B%2Fcq%2B2skTHJEcijZlBxHs7%2BdLvhuONsAmSogxMoUn3bZOr3tv4OfBDXV07aS6vLNRPrswxjMkpbnikhNILrf5cSQHFXbjH3oI3xDesFbg%3D%3D","locale":"it-IT","buyingOptionType":"NEW","aapiBuyingOptionIndex":0}, {"displayPrice":"61,90 €","priceAmount":61.90,"currencySymbol":"€","integerValue":"61","decimalSeparator":",","fractionalValue":"90","symbolPosition":"right","hasSpace":true,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"BwhyoTB%2FNrOmMJF4GiR0yo4LPrSFIDqYPBSEBd%2BCAGs5uMUae9YNI1LEr5Sr6ZOX9bGgGBcIcFYbP%2F9v54YA1CkfetNtumfEq%2F0aGW%2F7KNcmmUVVYCREwMGZZvGer5CJ2t3EBVW4YsOOIWVfhMf2dvlvq1IQotu0De1aCfsmcTnkGD%2FN3Unluz%2FoDgQUNr1R","locale":"it-IT","buyingOptionType":"NEW","aapiBuyingOptionIndex":1}]}

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Informazioni su questo articolo

  • Study Pokémon behaviors, sneak up on them, and toss a well-aimed Poké Ball to catch them
  • Unleash moves in the speedy agile style or the powerful strong style in battles
  • Travel to the Hisui region—the Sinnoh of old—and build the region’s first Pokédex
  • Learn about the Mythical Pokémon Arceus, the key to this mysterious tale
  • Build the first Pokédex in the history of the Sinnoh region
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Questo articolo: Pokemon Legends: Arceus
Ricevilo il prima possibile il martedì 25 marzo
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Nintendo Switch
Ricevilo il prima possibile il martedì 25 marzo
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Dettagli prodotto

  • Età consigliata ‏ : ‎ Not PEGI rated
  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese
  • Dimensioni prodotto ‏ : ‎ 16,79 x 10,39 x 0,99 cm; 59 grammi
  • Garanzia e recesso: Se vuoi restituire un prodotto entro 30 giorni dal ricevimento perché hai cambiato idea, consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sul Diritto di Recesso. Se hai ricevuto un prodotto difettoso o danneggiato consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sulla Garanzia Legale. Per informazioni specifiche sugli acquisti effettuati su Marketplace consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto su Resi e rimborsi per articoli Marketplace.
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0914YGQSH
  • Numero modello articolo ‏ : ‎ TBD
  • Restrizioni di spedizione: Spedizione: Questo articolo può essere spedito solo all'interno dell'Unione Europea e in altri Paesi selezionati.
  • Recensioni dei clienti:
    4,8 4,8 su 5 stelle 25.118 voti

Descrizione prodotto

Pokémon Legends: ArceusStudia i comportamenti dei Pokémon, avvicinati di soppiatto e lancia una Poké Ball ben mirata per catturarliScatena mosse nello stile agile e veloce o nello stile forte e potente nelle battaglieViaggia nella regione di Hisui, l'antica Sinnoh, e costruisci il primo Pokédex della regione

Recensioni clienti

4,8 su 5 stelle
25.118 valutazioni globali

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Recensioni migliori da Italia

  • Recensito in Italia il 19 giugno 2022
    premetto che non giocavo a un titolo Pokemon da parecchi anni e questo è stato una bella sorpresa. inizialmente è abbastanza ripetitivo ma proseguendo le meccaniche diventano molto più rapide e interessanti rispetto a quelle del passato, ci sono alcuni aspetti negativi come ad esempio la mappa non realmente open world, oppure le lotte non molto impegnative ma considero in generale questo titolo come un passo nella giusta direzione.
    Una persona l'ha trovato utile
  • Recensito in Italia il 19 maggio 2022
    Purtroppo è successo quello che non doveva succedere,un pacco a tutti gli effetti, cioè il pacco Amazon intatto invece l'astuccio del gioco risultava un taglio sul lato in corrispondenza dell'apertura e la scheda mancante.Ci sono rimasto molto male sia io che mio figlio, subito dopo ho avvisato l'assistenza clienti di Amazon dell'accaduto,fatto la segnalazione e dopo tre giorni ho ricevuto indietro la somma spesa . Però ho dovuto comprare il gioco dal negozio sabato stesso.
    Una persona l'ha trovato utile
  • Recensito in Italia il 12 maggio 2022
    Preso come regalo per un compleanno,al momento dell’apertura ci siamo resi conto che il gioco all’interno della custodia non c’era! Compleanno rovinato e una gran figuraccia!
    Una persona l'ha trovato utile
  • Recensito in Italia il 12 giugno 2022
    Prodotto arrivato senza scheda gioco, nel pacco c’era solo la confezione esterna, fate attenzione, altri hanno avuto la stessa disavventura.
    Una persona l'ha trovato utile

Le recensioni migliori da altri paesi

Traduci tutte le recensioni in Italiano
  • Ingrid
    5,0 su 5 stelle Pokémon
    Recensito in Messico il 21 agosto 2024
    Llegó muy rápido y funciona muy bien
  • João C S Marques
    5,0 su 5 stelle Possivelmente o melhor jogo da franquia
    Recensito in Brasile il 3 marzo 2022
    Não é atoa que Pokemon Legends: Arceus bateu o record de vendas da primeira semana de toda a franquia Pokemon.
    O game trás pela primeira vez uma real inovação no sistema de jogo ao cruzar com várias peculiaridades de outros games: pokemon sword & shield (gráficos e cenário do mundo "mais aberto"); pokemon let's go e pokemon go (no que tange ao sistema de pokemons sendo capturados apenas com o lançar das bolinhas) e pokemons aparecendo no mundo e não apenas spawnando na grama.
    Os gráficos na engine de Zelda Breath of the Wild ficaram excelentes para a franquia do Nintendo Switch.
    A dificuldade do game finalmente foi ampliada, trazendo reais desafios nas batalhas contra as criaturas selvagens e alguns treinadores de elite que aparecem no decorrer do game. Além disso tem a mecânica de boss fight que envolve o uso do treinador no combate contra os chefões.
    O uso do treinador não se resume a isso, e a esquiva e o modo stealth também são necessários para facilitar as capturas.
    Tem também a implementação dos pokemons Alpha (muito mais fortes e maiores que os naturalmente encontrados), lapsos temporais (com vários pokemons que não se encontram facilmente na região) e os momentos em que aparecem vários pokemons da mesma espécie em um determinado local.
    Há muito para se tretar ao falar das inovações do game e o jogador pode esperar oturas novidades que não foram citadas aqui.
    Algumas coisas continuam fazendo falta desde pokemon sword, como o número de puzzles no game.
    Mas a exploração definitivamente não deixa a desejar.
  • Jake
    5,0 su 5 stelle It's the Pokémon game I have waited for.
    Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 4 febbraio 2022
    TLDR: The Game is really good. The systems work great and its a world you can get lost in and play for a very long time. It's the Pokémon game I have been hoping for.

    This review is going to be a bit long so hold on.

    1. Open world! Pokémon has been in need on an open world type game for a very long time. The areas feel alive and fun to explore as you go walk around. If you are anything like me exploring has always been a large part of the Pokémon games and this game lets you explore and find fun things and Pokémon wherever you go. It is broken up into several main areas. I understand that they did this to help streamline the story better but, I think they could have gotten away with just letting the player have one big open world. That might just might be my preference though. The Pokémon all around make the world feel alive and exciting. Plus, lots of things to pick up for crafting and using in the open world. Plus plenty of secrets to find lying around. Including Unown and weird will-o'-wisps hiding is various places.

    2. Mechanics! We have some brand new mechanics.
    - The core mechanic in the game is throwing things. You throw things to catch Pokémon, you throw things to battle Pokémon, you throw things to lure/distract Pokémon. Lots of throwing. But, it is interesting and complex enough that it feels good. Lots of things that you need to do can all be wrapped up nicely into one mechanic so it's not too complicated to learn how to play.
    - Lots of the mechanics that got in your face in old games have become a lot less intrusive. For example the whole game doesn't pause when you catch a new Pokémon to ask you if you want to give it a nickname or when one of you Pokémon are ready to evolve. This means that you get to focus on what you are doing in the open world. The downside of this is that you have to go into the menu to give nicknames or evolve your Pokémon.
    - Locomotion is great and varied. To put it simple, it's fun to move around in the game. Even if you aren't doing anything else walking or swimming or flying across the map is fun. Personally the sneaking is really slow but its not annoying enough to be bad.
    - Pokémon battles are cool and more complex than previous game titles. I won't get too much into it, but I think the battle mechanics are really well thought out, fun and interesting. My biggest complaint of the game is that there aren't any random trainers wandering around the open world map that want to challenge you!
    - Nobel Pokémon. The bosses of the game are cool. They also use the core throwing mechanic as a way to make the boss fights different from regular battles. I think they are cool parts of the game that do well to make each battle memorable and fun. They are not my favorite part of the games though.
    -New online mechanics. When you black out in this game you drop items that other players can pick up in their game to return them to you.

    3. Story. I don't want to give a big breakdown of the story here as I don't want to spoil it for anyone. I think it is one of the best stories Pokémon has had in a long time. It's not a masterpiece, but it is better than what is expected for Pokémon most of the time.

    4. Graphics. I think it's a good thing that I have mostly seen people compare this game's graphics to Breath of the Wild instead of other Pokémon games. It means that the games are moving forward. The graphics are just okay when compared to other games, but they are the best graphics I have seen in a Pokémon Game. So, progress!

    5. Sound Design. Personally, I love the sound design for this game. It feels great. I don't have the expertise to give it a full analysis but it feels great and the music sounds good!

    6. Side quests! There are so many side quests and most of them feel pretty good. Lots of fetch quests though. Overall they are a good addition to the game and help make the world feel alive.

    7. Things that could be improved. Now, remember that even if you love a piece of media you can always find things that you don't like.
    - Trainers. So, as I said earlier. I would love to see trainers that challenge you to battles just hanging out in the wild.
    - Gyms + elite four. While the Nobel Pokémon were a cool thing to replace gyms as Boss fights I would have loved to see Gyms still in the game. Same with the elite four. I just want more reason to have battles in this game.
    - Why is the save menu in the bag? I think online and save functions would make more sense with the Map in the "Phone" menu. I keep pressing the wrong menu to save.
    - This game is for slightly older kids. This is not really a bad thing, but it could be for some people. It will be hard for younger kids to play compared to older Pokémon games. (Although my young kid still loves it.)
  • Qasim Ahmed
    5,0 su 5 stelle Arrived just as Seen
    Recensito negli Emirati Arabi Uniti il 8 febbraio 2025
    Haven’t played the game much to write a review about it. But it came in a perfectly packed condition and seems original.

    Booted up in my Nintendo Switch OLED without any issues.
  • Moha
    5,0 su 5 stelle فوق التقييم
    Recensito in Arabia Saudita il 23 novembre 2024
    ما يحتاج أقيمها المعروف لا يعرف
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