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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel [Edizione Regno Unito]

Piattaforma : Xbox 360
Classificato: Dai 18 anni in su
4,0 4,0 su 5 stelle 342 voti

12,93 €
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Dettagli prodotto

  • Fuori produzione ‏ : ‎ No
  • Età consigliata ‏ : ‎ Dai 18 anni in su
  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese
  • Dimensioni prodotto ‏ : ‎ 19 x 135 x 15 cm; 80 grammi
  • Garanzia e recesso: Se vuoi restituire un prodotto entro 30 giorni dal ricevimento perché hai cambiato idea, consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sul Diritto di Recesso. Se hai ricevuto un prodotto difettoso o danneggiato consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sulla Garanzia Legale. Per informazioni specifiche sugli acquisti effettuati su Marketplace consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto su Resi e rimborsi per articoli Marketplace.
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00JKKYL2O
  • Numero modello articolo ‏ : ‎ 5026555263450
  • Restrizioni di spedizione: Spedizione: Questo articolo può essere spedito solo all'interno dell'Unione Europea e in altri Paesi selezionati.
  • Recensioni dei clienti:
    4,0 4,0 su 5 stelle 342 voti

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Recensioni migliori da Italia

  • Recensito in Italia il 28 novembre 2017
    Non sono un giocatore accanito e non sono giovane. Ho amato gli RTS (Starcraft et similia) e poi, molti anni fa, pur odiando gli spara tutto mi imbattei in COD...questo gioco è incredibile, geniale e bellissimo anche solo da vedere, da gustare con gli occhi. Nessun tentativo di simulare la realtà, un cartone animato vivente. A mio parere bellissimo.
  • Recensito in Italia il 20 febbraio 2017
    Stupendo come i capitoli precedenti, la 2K Australia non delude! Il gioco è edizione Regno Unito, ma è multi language, e si adatta direttamente dalle impostazioni della console alla lingua dell'utente.
  • Recensito in Italia il 14 novembre 2020
    Gioco completamente in italiano, mi ha dato un pò di problemi durante l'installazione sull'xbox, si bloccava in diversi punti dicendo che il disco è rigato o sporco, dopo vari tentativi di installlazione e pulizia ci sono riuscito.
    Forse è anche la mia 360 che sta iniziando a dare colpi
  • Recensito in Italia il 20 febbraio 2016
    ho apprezzato tantissimo il secondo episodio e visto il prezzo ho deciso di acquistare anche questo pre-sequel .il gioco è completamente in italiano e lo consiglio a tutti i fan della saga,certo la qualità dei dialoghi non raggiunge quella di borderlands 2 ma rimane comunque ottima .il gameplay per fortuna é rimasto invariato e rimane divertentissimo anche dopo molte ore.promosso a pieno
    3 persone l'hanno trovato utile
  • Recensito in Italia il 6 dicembre 2019

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  • mike s
    5,0 su 5 stelle Fantastic shoot and loot
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 21 ottobre 2014
    Only a week in, but feels like the best of the series so far. Seems to me like the developers have taken an already fantastic game and just ran with it, adding so many new fun elements. The new characters are great; the storyline entertaining but not too "in your face" - holding your hand through encounters; the loot system has been given some sparkle - better quest rewards, items of the day plus the grinder. Slag has gone, the player dialogue has been enhanced, there are lots of hidden missions and fun areas to explore, things to shoot.
    In response to the critics...this is more Borderlands, but for those of us who loved the first two, this offers a familiar look and feel with awesome new gameplay. Can't help but think that some of the negative reviewers could have given this game more of a chance - get used to low gravity and oxygen, they're less a limitation than a new range of in-game possibilities.
    This review may seem a little uncritical, but I really think seasoned borderlands players will get a huge kick out of playing this one. Newcomers should really check out the first two beforehand, to get more from the self-referential jokes and storyline developments.
  • Npvnpv
    5,0 su 5 stelle Worth playing, but can get repetitive at points.
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 22 ottobre 2014
    The game itself is exceptionally fun to play. If you have played previous titles in the series then you'll know what to expect. More of the same, but with some fun additions, such as the new character skills and the grinder, thrown into the mix to make it a unique experience within the series. Definitely feels as though it was designed with cooperative play in mind, which is reflected in a few of the missions.
    This having been said, the side missions, of which there are seemingly few, are pretty unimaginative. Most get you to backtrack continuously, and some are literally the same misson repeated in different locations and with minute (as in fetch a cricket ball instead of a basketball) changes. This does get annoying after several hours of play and begins to feel like they are literally just there to level you up, rather than to actually enjoy doing them. However, the game is enjoyable enough over all for you to be able to overlook these issues.
    Even if you aren't familiar with the previous titles, this is definitely worth playing.
  • Kitsune Da O
    4,0 su 5 stelle Shenanigans in Space
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 23 ottobre 2014
    Being a huge Borderlands fan, ever since the original game was released, I was justifiably excited to hear of a third game in the series.
    After the seemingly interminable wait for the game's release however, does the game live up to my rather lofty expectations?
    Read on and you shall find out.
    Ok, first things first, in terms of timeline, this game is set between Borderlands and Borderlands 2 and basically chronicles Handsome Jack's or John's rise to power.
    I can't comment positively or negatively on the story as I have yet to finish the campaign, but after a good 15-20 hours worth of gameplay, the story is ticking over nicely enough, although it's basically just a vehicle used to drive (no pun intended,) you from one climactic set-piece to another. Let's face it, fans of the game have never been overly concerned with the literary quality of the story, provided the dialogue, one-liners and smutty innuendos are present and correct. In Borderlands: The Pre Sequel, they're not only present and correct, but also naked, painted purple and waving their private parts in your general direction. The dialogue and jokes are as hilarious as ever, especially from Jack himself and the curvaceous Moxxi.
    Graphics are more or less a carbon copy of what was seen in Borderlands 2, neither awful to look at or likely to blow you away with their beauty. I'm playing on the Xbox 360 and there's still the common problem of textures taking a few seconds to load or fill-in after continuing a saved game or entering a new area. The environments themselves are varied and colourful enough to keep you interested and overall the old generation of consoles are still holding their own. Seen better graphics on the console before, but again, Borderlands has never been about graphical innovation. The cel-shaded style still works well and whilst the presentation may look dated to those of you owning an Xbox One or a PS4, it doesn't detract anything from your enjoyment of the game.
    It is undoubtedly in terms of gameplay where Borderlands: The Pre Sequel excels. Basically it's the same tried and tested formula that the previous 2 instalments of the franchise have implemented. Namely, acquiring and completing quests, collecting loot, KILLING, levelling up your character, KILLING, earning badass tokens, customising your character, KILLING, buying and selling loot, KILLING, KILLING and KILLING.
    It is the same fayre that made you fall in love with the game in the first place and to repeat a process that's tried and tested is certainly the way to go.
    However, the developers have given this game a tweak and added some new and interesting features.
    1) Low Gravity - Imagine what it would be like soaring through the air and slowly falling back to the ground whilst showering bullets and death on your hapless opponents below. Imagine no more! Borderlands: The Pre Sequel brings this fantasy to life.
    Also whilst in mid-air, you can butt-stomp enemies below. You heard me right, I said BUTT STOMP!!! Sorry, I went all Torgue then.
    The low gravity mechanic makes combat and navigation so much more interesting and provides a nice change of pace from the previous 2 games.
    2) Oxygen. You need it to survive. Therefore in this game, you have an O2 Meter on your HUD that lets you keep track of your remaining Oxygen reserves.
    There are many ways to replenish your meter: areas with atmospheres (found either in buildings or by cycling O2 stations by hitting the switch or using a shock weapon to activate it from afar,)
    dead enemies often drop Oxygen canisters as loot, vehicles have built-in Oxygen supplies and there are 'geysers' dotted about that replenish Oxygen also and these are highlighted on your map.
    The lack of Oxygen can also be used to your advantage however as enemies tend to be as vulnerable to low Oxygen environments as you are. Shooting off an enemy's helmet provides you with predictable and hilarious results.
    The effect of fire weapons also changes depending upon whether or not you're in an atmosphere. Fire needs Oxygen right? So using your fire weapon in a vacuum will have little to no effect, whereas activating a nearby O2 station will give your fire the fuel it needs to do some serious toasting of enemies.
    3) Elemental weapons have always been an important part of Borderlands and in The Pre Sequel, it's no different.
    Back are the tried and tested fire, shock, corrosive and explosive weapon variants. Gone is the slag element that was introduced in Borderlands 2 but in it's place comes a brand new elemental weapon type. Cryo/Ice damage.
    Do enough damage to your enemy whilst wielding one of these powerful weapons and they'll be frozen solid for a few seconds. Leaving them open to a butt-stomp, melee attack or more unanswered gunfire. Do enough damage before they thaw out and they'll shatter. Awesome.
    In terms of the game's longevity, I can't comment too specifically on that because, as I mentioned earlier, I have yet to finish the game's main campaign. Currently I have a quest log stuffed full of jobs and have unlocked about 7 sizeable fast-travel locations as well as a further 5 locations I am unable to fast-travel to.
    If previous games are anything to go by, I'd give a tentative 40-50 hours to complete every story mission along with every side quest. Plus, there will be the inevitable influx of DLC from Gearbox over the next 12 months.
    To summarise, with all new environments, 4 new Vault Hunters, new vehicles, new elemental weapons, new game mechanics, new loot to find and new achievements to unlock, any old Borderlands fans are going to love the third instalment.
    It loses 1 star for not doing enough to entice new players to the party. Whilst some of the additions I've outlined above are innovative and interesting enough to delight long-time fans like me, I'm not sure that people who couldn't get along with the previous 2 games are going to find anything worth shelling out their money on here.
    VETERANS: A must buy.
    SCEPTICS: Rent first.
    Score: 8/10
  • -stu-
    2,0 su 5 stelle An abomination
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 31 ottobre 2015
    As a massive Borderlands Fan I feel this game is a total let down and a waste of time.

    I know why this game wasn't hyped by its creators or the original BL creators, this game feels like an abortion that had survived with only its face intact. The good side of the game if any is Handsome Jack is back and you have new ish playable characters including Clap Trap. These new characters are not so new to the Borderlands world due to making appearances in the 1st and 2nd games.

    The new skill tree there and there are new laser weapons and an ability to jump smash and combine weapons, the game still has its good qualities like its Borderlands humor although it is somewhat lacking in this turd of a game.

    The only challenge that this game has to offer is how hard it is, the frequent boss fights (which there are a lot of) are just hard and at times feel impossible.A couple of boss fights can only be won if you find a glitch on the map where the AI cannot get you,another feature they have added to the game is the constant waves of enemy that they send at you from the start of the game and throughout even during the boss fights. These boss fights take the fun away from the game along with the repentless waves of enemies.

    This game isn't even that fun or easy with a best mate playing with you it just makes you both hate this game, I was happy once I completed this game I gave it away to some guy at work.
  • Aaron
    5,0 su 5 stelle Borderlands the pre-sequel does it belong in the borderlands family?
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 7 dicembre 2014
    If you enjoyed the previous two games then you're going to love this one. It has all of the witty one liners and comedy from the last games which makes the game enjoyable to both play and watch. The storyline is very well thought out and flows nicely from the first game and into the second. The ability to replay the game on a harder difficulty, without resetting your character, has a nice twist to it due to the change of enemy names and the way in which you have to alter how you approach them. The actual delivery of the game was very quick, I pre-ordered this game and it arrived early on the release date, so I was able to get playing as soon as possible. In conclusion if you enjoyed the last games, this game is perfect for you. If you haven't played the last games it is still a very fun and enjoyable game to play.
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