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Departure [Edizione: Regno Unito]

4,3 4,3 su 5 stelle 253 voti

12,96 €
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3 ottobre 2016
UK Import
12,96 €
12,96 €
55,92 € 31,12 €
Formato Importazione, PAL
Collaboratore Andrew Steggall, Phénix Brossard, Juliet Stevenson, Alex Lawther
Lingua Inglese, Francese
Tempo di esecuzione 1 ora e 49 minuti
Colore A Colori
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Questo articolo: Departure [Edizione: Regno Unito]
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Descrizione prodotto

Stevenson steals the show as the woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown Mark Kermode, The Observer. 

Beatrice (Juliet Stevenson, Bend it like Beckham) and her teenage son Elliot (Alex Lawther, The Imitation Game) spend a week packing up the contents of their remote holiday house in the South of France. Fifteen-year-old Elliot struggles with his sexuality and she in turn is confronted by the realisation that her marriage is coming to an end. When an enigmatic local teenager, Clément (Phénix Brossard) enters their lives, both mother and son are compelled to confront their desires and finally, each other.

DEPARTURE is an intimate story beginning at dawn on the first day and ending at night on the sixth day, charting the end of a summer, the end of a childhood and the end of an otherwise nuclear middleclass family.

It is beautifully filmed, announcing Steggall as an exciting new voice in British cinema The List

"Hormones are raging in this beautifully shot, quietly involving character study powered by an excellent turn from Lawther " Empire

Dettagli prodotto

  • Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ Sconosciuto
  • Fuori produzione ‏ : ‎ No
  • Età consigliata ‏ : ‎ Adatto per 15 anni e più
  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese, Francese
  • Dimensioni del collo ‏ : ‎ 19,2 x 13,6 x 2 cm; 70 grammi
  • Regista ‏ : ‎ Andrew Steggall
  • Formato supporto ‏ : ‎ Importazione, PAL
  • Tempo di esecuzione ‏ : ‎ 1 ora e 49 minuti
  • Data d'uscita ‏ : ‎ 3 ottobre 2016
  • Attori ‏ : ‎ Juliet Stevenson, Alex Lawther, Phénix Brossard
  • Sottotitoli: ‏ : ‎ Inglese
  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese (Dolby Digital 5.1), Francese (Dolby Digital 5.1)
  • Studio ‏ : ‎ Saffron Hill
  • Garanzia e recesso: Se vuoi restituire un prodotto entro 30 giorni dal ricevimento perché hai cambiato idea, consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sul Diritto di Recesso. Se hai ricevuto un prodotto difettoso o danneggiato consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sulla Garanzia Legale. Per informazioni specifiche sugli acquisti effettuati su Marketplace consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto su Resi e rimborsi per articoli Marketplace.
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01BFJEA5U
  • Numero di dischi ‏ : ‎ 1
  • Recensioni dei clienti:
    4,3 4,3 su 5 stelle 253 voti

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4,3 su 5 stelle
253 valutazioni globali

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  • Recensito in Italia il 17 aprile 2019
    Ottimo prodotto
  • Recensito in Italia il 28 gennaio 2023
    Giunto a destinazione prima del previsto, in confezionamento integro, perfettamente conservato, il DVD in Inglese (con sottotitoli in Inglese e per non udenti) contiene un film pressoché introvabile in Italia, sia in formato DVD-BD, che in quello digitale (streaming). Ottimo venditore.
  • Recensito in Italia il 26 marzo 2023
    Niente di che

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  • Luis Santos
    4,0 su 5 stelle Que filme
    Recensito in Spagna il 18 agosto 2022
    Muito bom filme, com uma histórica cativante e emocionante
  • Thomas Mackan
    5,0 su 5 stelle It's a bad time to upset the boy's life as he is ...
    Recensito in Canada il 22 ottobre 2017
    Alert. This DVD is in PAL format, common to northern and western Europe and needs to be re-formatted to North American format. I watched it on my desktop computer with a DVD tray and a built in procedure for switching formats.
    Tension grows gradually as British divorced mother prepares to sell her home in a French province and return with her adolescent son to Britain. It's a bad time to upset the boy's life as he is just emerging into real life with yet to be formed psycho/social/sexual skills. The screenplay, its writing and its handling, is masterful, and the performances are spot on throughout. Set in France, it's costumes and technical achievements are first class. In French and English, with subtitles where needed, the film has awards class values built in.
  • Alexandre 84
    5,0 su 5 stelle un film, poétique, sensible, une belle histoire
    Recensito in Francia il 3 dicembre 2017
    lettre que j'ai adressée à Phénix BROSSARD(Clément) après avoir vu le DVD:
    "Clément et son ami Eliott, au fil des scènes de DEPARTURE, m'ont fait découvrir Phénix Brossard, acteur.
    Bravo Phénix, ce Clément, garçon bourru, malheureux par sa mère mourante qu'il ne peut pas voir, lui, éxilé dans ce village perdu sans amis,
    tu l'incarnes à la perfection. Tu es Clément!
    Puis arrivent Eliott et sa mère, Béatrice qui, tous deux vont entrer dans la vie de Cément comme lui dans la leur.
    Eliott et Clément vont se rencontrer, "s'apprivoiser", tous deux très différents, mais attirés l'un par l'autre, se découvrir et,
    finalement, tomber sous le charme l'un de l'autre...

    À les LAWTHER et toi, Phénix, vous formez un duo de jeunes acteurs captivants et attachants.
    Le spectateur que je suis vous prend tous deux en sympathie dès le début du film

    Je suis tombé sous le charme de Clément dans lequel je me reconnais. Mais, Clément, je suis attiré également par le bel Eliott,
    au visage encore enfantin avec ses boucles de cheveux sur le front, lui poète à la recherche de son identité.

    DEPARTURE est un très, très beau film, romantique, poétique qu'illumine le sourire de Cément et d'Eliott. C'est un drame également, celui de Béatrice qui, vendant sa maison, perd ses souvenirs. Mais elle garde Eliott qui a exprimé son amour à Clément par ce baiser de la
    scène final et se sentir lui-même.
    Tout ceci, Phénix, je tiens à te l'exprimer."
    Alexandre 84
  • Finnegan
    5,0 su 5 stelle Der Film hat mich in seinen Bann gezogen
    Recensito in Germania il 31 maggio 2017
    Dieser Film ist so leise, dass man ihn kaum hören kann und gleichzeitig doch so laut, wie ein Sommergewitter. Es ist einer dieser seltenen Filme, die Stellenweise ohne viel Dialog auskommen, aber trotzdem stets die Gefühle der Protagonisten vermitteln. Mehr noch: Sie auf den Zuschauer übertragen - sofern man sich darauf einlässt.

    Dies passiert - mir zumindest - nicht allzu oft, aber wenn, dann ist es für mich ein wirklich gut gemachter Film. Die Darsteller machen ihre Arbeit allesamt hervorragend und verstehen es stets zu vermitteln, wo ihre Figuren gerade stehen und was sie durchleben. Man fängt an im Laufe des Filmes mit ihnen mitzuleiden und dieses Gefühl klingt auch den Abspann über noch nach.

    Für mich war dieses Drama, von dem ich im Vorfeld nichts wusste und auch nicht viel erwartet hatte, eine grosse (positive) Überraschung. Natürlich muss man diese Art Film mögen und sich drauf einlassen. Die Handlung an sich ist eher banal und das Hauptaugenmerk liegt bei diesem Film in den Gefühlswelten der Protagonisten, in den Bildern, den Gesten, den Worten.

    Sowohl die Darsteller, als auch das Setting sind sehr gut gewählt und auch Regie und Kamera leisten sich keine Schnitzer, so dass man stets im Geschenhen bleibt und nicht durch Unstimmigkeiten aus der Filmwelt herausgerissen wird (finde ich immer sehr schade, wenn so etwas passiert). Die Landschaft ist atemberaubend, das Sommerhaus, das kleine Dorf sehr gut gewählt und es wird ein glaubwürdiges Szenario geschaffen.

    Wenn man leichtere, unbeschwerte Filme bevorzugt, oder reines Unterhaltungskino, dann liegt man hier von vorn herein falsch und ich kann verstehen, wenn man dem Film dann nichts abgewinnen kann.

    Wenn man hingegen bereit ist, sich für knappe zwei Stunden in sich schleichend entwickelnde, melancholische Gefühlswelten herabzubegeben und einem das zentrale Thema des Films "Sehnsucht" nicht vollkommen fremd ist, dann kann dieser Film durchaus in seinen Bann ziehen.

    Ich gehe hier bewusst nicht weiter auf den Inhalt und die Handlung ein, da ich denke, dass man an diesen Film am besten unbefangen von dadurch geprägten, bestimmten Vorstellungen, oder Erwartungen herangehen sollte - für mich zumindest hat es auf diese Weise gut funktioniert.

    Ob einem der Film am Ende nun gefällt, oder nicht, ist natürlich Geschmackssache, aber ich denke dass hier von allen Beteiliten eine perfekt stimmige Filmwelt geschaffen wurde, lässt sich nicht verleugnen und das ist für mich auf jeden Fall die 5 Sterne wert.
    5,0 su 5 stelle A masterpiece that bears repeated viewing
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 13 aprile 2017
    A gem of a film of such subtlety and craft as to bear repeated viewing, 'Departure' may yet be recognised as a modern classic. And it is far more than the well-worn highway of a 'coming-out' flick - the central relationship is that between Elliot and his mother, and how they are changed - and indeed redeemed - by the impact the straightforward and very physical French lad Clément has on their lives.

    'Departure' is a very English film (not least on the difficulties English middle-class types have in talking about stuff); and about individuals who are emotionally 'stuck' (an early scene cleverly draws our attention to a derelict and immobile water-wheel) and who have yet to recognise and acknowledge truths they already know. Over the space of six days Beatrice (Juliet Stevenson) and her son Elliot (Alex Lawther), evidently strained and unhappy as they quietly pack up and ready for the disposal of the family holiday home in the Languedoc, come to terms with themselves, their situations and each other. The acting, especially from the two leads, is peerless; but none of the other four players disappoints, with two delightful cameos from Niamh Cusack and Patrice Juiff, Phénix Brossard as Elliot's craggy and slightly older love-interest, and Finbar Lynch (with an extraordinary quality of stillness) as a rigid, controlling husband and father with secrets of his own, arriving late on the scene - and the only character, we sense, not destined for happiness.

    It's a film of singular beauty, written and directed by Andrew Steggall and majestically photographed by Brian Fawcett and with a wistful score by Jools Scott, and is rich in symbolism. Water - sexuality; desire and menace - is seen, heard or represented in almost every scene, with clever use of glass and mirrors. Much of the action takes place in forest, the place of secrets, subconscious and unknowing; and Elliot's quest for a dying deer (which we never see and may never actually have existed) alludes both to the swift, implacable passage of time and the pointless of returning to something that has died - be it a dream-home, a failed marriage, or one character's futile hope of returning to see a terminally illl mother who will not even recognise him. Clément strides boldly into the centre of every space; Elliot floats largely within touching distance of walls, less sure about life and about himself... and, central to the whole plot, is a lovely but ominous reservoir, an immensity of water and desire held back only by a mighty dam: life, in all its uncertainty and frailty, the probability of hurt but the possibility of happiness, into which Elliot dares not dive...and the exotic, lovely French landscape itself proves a safe, magical space of 'otherness' where truth, change and healing become possible - and that in autumn, as leaves fall and more than summer ends.

    'Departure' could have been a very precious, irritating film, especially in the precocious character of Elliot himself, apt to give himself great airs, playing the moody poet in his vintage jacket and often insolent to his mother. It's saved by the great economy of Stegall's writing, the surprisingly frequent touches of humour, and Alex Lawther's stunning performance (in a very courageous role for a young and ambitious actor). Once not so long ago myself a self-absorbed note-book toting teenager, he resonated immediately with me. Elliot's is and from the start the most honest character, is the only one and from an early stage who knows what he wants - Clément - and Lawther masterfully conveys the depths of his pain and puzzlement and the immensity of his heart. In all, 'Departure' is a masterpiece that will resonate with many and for generations to come.
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