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Activision Skylanders: Giants - Starter Pack, Wii

Piattaforma : Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo Wii
Classificato: Dai 7 anni in su
4,3 4,3 su 5 stelle 867 voti

29,99 €
Disponibilità: solo 4

Informazioni su questo articolo

  • Skylanders Giants Starter Pack - Nintendo Wii
  • HardwarePlatform: Nintendo Wii
  • OperatingSystem: nintendo_wii
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Dettagli prodotto

  • Fuori produzione ‏ : ‎ No
  • Età consigliata ‏ : ‎ Dai 7 anni in su
  • Dimensioni prodotto ‏ : ‎ 24,38 x 7,62 x 37,34 cm; 816,47 grammi
  • Garanzia e recesso: Se vuoi restituire un prodotto entro 30 giorni dal ricevimento perché hai cambiato idea, consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sul Diritto di Recesso. Se hai ricevuto un prodotto difettoso o danneggiato consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sulla Garanzia Legale. Per informazioni specifiche sugli acquisti effettuati su Marketplace consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto su Resi e rimborsi per articoli Marketplace.
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0088MVPRY
  • Numero modello articolo ‏ : ‎ 84393
  • Paese di origine ‏ : ‎ Italia
  • Restrizioni di spedizione: Spedizione: Questo articolo può essere spedito solo all'interno dell'Unione Europea e in altri Paesi selezionati.
  • Recensioni dei clienti:
    4,3 4,3 su 5 stelle 867 voti

Descrizione prodotto

All Skylanders Spyro's Adventure, Skylanders Giants, and Skylanders SWAP Force figures work with Skylanders Trap Team.

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4,3 su 5 stelle
867 valutazioni globali

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  • melanie carignan
    5,0 su 5 stelle Tout y était
    Recensito in Canada il 14 maggio 2022
    Commande complète, livraison rapide. Fiable.
  • Sarah Wolff
    1,0 su 5 stelle jeu non compatible
    Recensito in Francia il 14 giugno 2023
    Le jeu n'est pas compatible avec notre console WII, le CD n'a pas pu être chargé
  • Anonimo
    3,0 su 5 stelle Podian haber havisado de que era de america
    Recensito in Spagna il 31 dicembre 2022
    El pac esta bien las figuras con el portal, todas bien, però quando vi la caja del juego no era una version PAL sino una americana y mi wii es europea, asi que tuve que comprarme un booster pac que en esos viene el juego y una figura giant
  • Kade
    1,0 su 5 stelle Disc not working
    Recensito in Australia il 15 agosto 2024
    Everything else in good condition Just not reading the disc
  • Liz
    5,0 su 5 stelle What you need to know as a parent new to Skylanders
    Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 13 aprile 2013
    Ok, I am the type of person that researches everything before I buy it and read every review, so I want to be helpful to parents like myself who are new to this whole Skylanders thing. First of all let me say that it is actually a pretty cute game and my 6 year old daughter is completely in love with it. That being said, let me answer some of the questions I had when I started looking into it.

    Is it too violent for a young child? While there is a lot of sword play and shooting of lasers and things like that, there is no blood or gore. The bad guys (some of which may look a little creepy for some young children) just disappear when you defeat them leaving jewels in their place for you to collect. My daughter can be a little sensitive about that stuff sometimes but it never bothered her with this game. And one thing I like for kids is that when your character is defeated in a battle, it doesn't "die" or "lose a life" like in other games. It simply "needs to rest" and you can switch to a different character to continue playing.

    Should I get Giants or Spyros adventure? Well, all of the figures work on the Giants game, but only the older ones work on the Spyro game. We were better off getting the Giants one so we wouldn't have to worry whether the figures will work with the game or not.

    Should we get it for the Wii or for the 3ds? While the thought of being able to bring the game with her and not having to dominate the tv was nice, from what I have seen, the Wii game does more. I believe, though I could be wrong, that on the ds you can only play with two different characters per game where on the Wii, you can switch between any at any time.

    Will it get expensive? Probably. The figures range in price and can add up because, of course, my daughter wants to collect them all. But it can be a good lesson in saving money. And by the way, of course, some figures are "rare" and hard to find, but patience pays off! Don't spend ridiculous amounts of money for one character on a website when, if you are lucky, you can get the same thing at a store for a lot less. The Ninjini character is selling here for more than $30, but we just happened to come across it at a popular toy store for $15. Hint: find out what day of the week the store gets its shipment in!

    Is it good for girls as well as boys? Absolutely! It is not really very girly, but many of the characters are girls! It is kind of nice to have strong female characters in a video game who are not overly sexy and half naked. There is nothing inappropriate about the female characters at all.

    Overall, we are very happy with this game! My daughter wants to play it a lot! She has already beaten the whole game but loves to go back and replay it and try to find all the things she missed. I do wish it was a little longer perhaps, but other than that, I have no problem with it. And my daughter loves to play with the figures as just plain toys when she isn't playing the video game. Nice for her to make up her own adventures!
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