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Alien: Isolation - PlayStation 3, Nostromo Edition
Opzioni di acquisto e componenti aggiuntivi
Informazioni su questo articolo
- Scopri il vero significato della paura in Alien: Isolation, un survival horror ambientato in un'atmosfera di costante terrore e pericolo mortale.
- Quindici anni dopo gli eventi di Alien, la figlia di Ellen Ripley, Amanda entra in una disperata battaglia per la sopravvivenza, in missione per svelare la verità dietro la scomparsa di sua madre.
- Nei panni di Amanda, navigherai in un mondo sempre più volatile mentre ti ritroverai di fronte a una popolazione disperata e in preda al panico e da un imprevedibile, spietato alieno.
- Supera una minaccia mortale sempre presente - Prova la paura persistente mentre un alieno veramente dinamico e reattivo usa i suoi sensi per darti la caccia e rispondere ad ogni tua mossa.
- Improvvisare per sopravvivere - Sistemi di hack, scavenge per risorse vitali e oggetti artigianali per affrontare ogni situazione. Riuscirai a sfuggire ai tuoi nemici, distrarli o affrontarli a testa alta?
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Dettagli prodotto
- Fuori produzione : No
- Età consigliata : Sconosciuto
- Lingua : Inglese
- Dimensioni prodotto : 13,46 x 1,52 x 17,02 cm; 90,72 grammi
- Data d'uscita : 7 ottobre 2014
- Garanzia e recesso: Se vuoi restituire un prodotto entro 30 giorni dal ricevimento perché hai cambiato idea, consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sul Diritto di Recesso. Se hai ricevuto un prodotto difettoso o danneggiato consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sulla Garanzia Legale. Per informazioni specifiche sugli acquisti effettuati su Marketplace consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto su Resi e rimborsi per articoli Marketplace.
- Numero modello articolo : 69074
- Restrizioni di spedizione: Spedizione: Questo articolo può essere spedito solo all'interno dell'Unione Europea e in altri Paesi selezionati.
- Posizione nella classifica Bestseller di Amazon: n. 15.315 in Videogiochi (Visualizza i Top 100 nella categoria Videogiochi)
- n. 75 in Console per PlayStation 5
- n. 205 in Giochi per PlayStation 3
- Recensioni dei clienti:
Descrizione prodotto
Scopri il vero significato della paura in Alien: Isolation, un survival horror ambientato in un'atmosfera di costante terrore e pericolo mortale. Quindici anni dopo gli eventi di Alien, la figlia di Ellen Ripley, Amanda entra in una disperata battaglia per la sopravvivenza, in missione per svelare la verità dietro la scomparsa di sua madre. Nei panni di Amanda, navigherai in un mondo sempre più volatile mentre ti ritroverai di fronte a una popolazione disperata e in preda al panico e da un imprevedibile, spietato alieno. Supera una minaccia mortale sempre presente - Prova la paura persistente mentre un alieno veramente dinamico e reattivo usa i suoi sensi per darti la caccia e rispondere ad ogni tua mossa. Improvvisare per sopravvivere - Sistemi di hack, scavenge per risorse vitali e oggetti artigianali per affrontare ogni situazione. Riuscirai a sfuggire ai tuoi nemici, distrarli o affrontarli a testa alta?
Recensioni clienti
- 5 stelle4 stelle3 stelle2 stelle1 stella5 stelle67%13%7%6%7%67%
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- 5 stelle4 stelle3 stelle2 stelle1 stella2 stelle67%13%7%6%7%6%
- 5 stelle4 stelle3 stelle2 stelle1 stella1 stella67%13%7%6%7%7%
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- Recensito in Italia il 5 giugno 2017Being a huge Alien fan, this game did everything it was supposed to do. I was drawn into the universe of Alien and felt fear, excitement, happiness and everything I could feel. I would argue the game is a little short for me (I would have played forever), but brilliant nonetheless.
Le recensioni migliori da altri paesi
vaniaRecensito in Canada il 9 gennaio 2023
5,0 su 5 stelle brand new in the wrap
Good game, loads of fun!
Luis Francisco Gutierrez MedinaRecensito in Messico il 8 ottobre 2022
5,0 su 5 stelle Gracias
Recomendable si a alguien le gusta el terror. Bueno al menos para mi.
jose antonio morenoRecensito in Spagna il 14 febbraio 2020
5,0 su 5 stelle Fantastico juego!!!!
Con este juego puedo decir que te enganchas y enganchas. Hay veces que te da sustos pero es fantástico
Dude On A MissionRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 8 ottobre 2014
5,0 su 5 stelle This is not merely survival horror. It's... something else.
Today, thousands of gamers rushed home from work and school to meet their copy of Alien: Isolation in the mail. I was one of them. I decided to warm up to the experience by playing Crew Expendable first, the bonus content that came with preorders. Thought it would be fun and easy. It was fun... yep. Easy? Nope. SCARY? Oddly, yes.
Hmmm... When the bonus content can be all of that, wow, I can only imagine what the actually game will be like. I'm hiding a lot, listening a lot, using my flame thrower lots. Mapwise, the objectives seem so close but, oh, so far away. I feel like I'm the tortoise and the Alien is the hare. I keep telling myself, "Ed, slow and steady... Slow and steady..." I stop to look at the gorgeous graphics, I find a dark corner to safely cower in to allow myself to listen to the beautiful music of a steady drip or Ripley's shoes squeaking against an immaculate floor in a medical wing or the Alien thumping along...
Slowly, my eyes adjust to the dark... I never wanna play in the light again.
***********UPDATE: "Ah, now eventually you do plan to have ALIENS on your, on your ALIEN tour, right? Hello?"
Crew Expendable is SUPER HARD even on EASY. Sigh. But it's still an amazing experience. As for the main game in which you play Ripley's daughter...
I've started playing the main game for the sake of variety... and sanity. Oh my, it's just like the first movie, the only movie in which the alien is actually scarce. Which is a good thing. You get to explore and take in the beauty of the game without actually having to be on edge about being taken down by the titular baddie. So far, I've met the alien three times, and it seems like I've been playing forever, which is not a bad thing. Between meetings--all excellent and tense--are deadly run-ins with gun-toting humans and twisted androids... and a greater artificial intelligence??? Hmmm, time will tell. I have a feeling though.
By the way, I strongly suggest logging into the spaceship terminals and reading the emails and articles and such... they really do a great job of back story and foreshadowing coming events and gives even more depth to this new Alien experience.
***********UPDATE: Wow, I did NOT see this part of the game coming!
I'm still on the main game. Found myself playing as another character. I won't say who or when, but I WILL say this: it is VERY Prometheus, very Alien/Aliens/Alien3. I'm in a spacesuit, walking out/off of a spaceship, making my way onto/through a desolate, living planet. Beautiful, scary, wonderful.
***********UPDATE: Okay, whoever wrote this game has my undying respect.
Still playing the main game, still playing the other, new character, still on the planet. I won't ruin it for you or anything. But... WOW. Just... WOW. My heart is pounding, my face is split into a smile, everything is right again. THIS IS THE GREATEST ALIEN GAME EVER. CLEARLY A LABOR OF LOVE.
***********UPDATE: Final update? We'll see... GAME-BREAKING GLITCH.
In Mission 10: The Trap, at the end, I, and other users in fact, are finding it impossible to move forward in the game because of an INVISIBLE WALL. This is the SECOND TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME, THE FIRST BEING AT THE BEGINNING OF MISSION 10, after the story is told. The lead of the ragtag group, the older guy, goes to unlock the door, but it DOESN'T UNLOCK, rendering you unable to move forward. I am about to try to replay the Mission and see if that works, but if not, I will be returning this thing for as much money as I can get and the Creative Assembly or whatever (including Sega) will never get another dime from me. PATCH. NOW. PERIOD.
***********UPDATE: I got pass the "game-breaking glitch" by replaying Mission 10. Faith restored. I have a feeling that awakening the android is what activated the glitch, something I did not do this time around. But I could be wrong. I'm still loving the game :) Seeing the alien get angry and lift things at random and toss them aside is a terrifying treat to watch. And when it looked under a table (under which I was hiding) it scared me to death. The players that are not playable react to the alien by running and hiding, fighting back, and screaming for the life. Each kill is bloody terrific. What I learned on replaying of Mission 10 was this: THIS GAME HAS REPLAY VALUE. And that's a good thing. And it was actually still fun the second time around, an entirely different experience because the alien so unpredictable.
ここねたんRecensito in Giappone il 28 marzo 2015
5,0 su 5 stelle エイリアンが鬼役!!究極のかくれんぼゲーム。byおじさん。
モードは、ストーリーモードとサバイバルモード。CREW EXPENDABLEのDLCコード入り。