Global Trade Identification Number | 05060094443904 |
Modello | NCS036.UK.RB |
Dimensioni del collo | 19,4 x 14 x 1,8 cm; 160 grammi |
Peso articolo | 160 g |
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Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Marchio | Koch Media |
Piattaforma hardware | windows_8 |
Formato | CD-ROM |
Genere | role_playing, role-playing-games |
Data di pubblicazione | 23 ottobre 2015 |
Informazioni su questo articolo
- Nuove abilità. We' re rivisitazione progressione con il nostro nuovo sistema padronanza. Esplora nuove possibilità di allenamento per il tuo personaggio oltre il livello 80, e master abilità come il parapendio nella giungla, lacrimazione Bark off del fortemente mordrem corazzati, o costruire nuove collezioni che guadagnano precursori per una leggendaria arma.
- Nessun abbonamento. Ottenere il gioco e giocare. È semplice.
- specializzazione. Evolve il vostro gioco. Con professione specializzazione, sarà possibile sbloccare l' accesso a un' arma precedentemente non disponibile per la professione, nonché nuove caratteristiche, abilità e unico meccanica
- Tutti i che trasformerà il vostro professione in qualcosa di nuovo.
- Nuova professione: revenant. Canale leggendaria poteri ad abbattere nemici e scatenare il caos sul campo di battaglia con la nostra più recente professione: revenant. Entra nel campo di battaglia fortemente infrangibili e equipaggiato con i poteri delle nebbie.
- Guild sale. Gioco la richiesta. La Guild ha vagavano per il mondo insieme. Ora, è il momento di reclamare un pezzo di esso. Lavorare con colleghi Guild per richiedere e far crescere la propria gilda Hall nel cuore della maguuma.
- PVP: roccaforte nuove modalità di gioco. Raccogliere approvvigionamento di assumere soldati. Battaglia per il controllo di eroi. Man il Trebuchet per difendere la roccaforte, e il nemico Gates per sconfiggere il Signore Guild tempesta. Utilizzare il nostro nuovo guild-team per squadra e battaglia alla parte superiore della classifiche. Stronghold offre un modo tutto nuovo di gioco PVP in Guild Wars 2 competitivo.
- wvw: nuovo Abisso. Esperienza Epica battaglia di combattimento come mai prima d' ora in mondo vs. Ultime Core, inoltre, il nuovo Borderlands mappa del mondo. Navigate infido altezze con le trappole soffiare i nemici per la profondità al di sotto e feroce difensori per aiutare a mantenere i nemici a bada. Mappa obiettivi saranno più importante che mai, come gli sblocca nuove strategie, tattiche e meccaniche di gioco che ti consigliamo di utilizzare a tuo vantaggio del mondo.
- RAID: Guild Wars 2: cuore di spine introduce l' ultima sfida: il nostro primo RAID, che si compone di tre diverse RAID ali. incursioni sono 10-player, instanced, Elite Dungeon contenuto è una sfida diverso da qualsiasi cosa che abbiamo precedentemente pubblicato in Guild Wars 2. Queste incursioni sono destinati a mettere voi e i vostri compagni alla prova e sfida per accrescere le tue abilità come Guild Wars 2 giocatori. incursioni sono la risposta a ciò che di competenza e pve i giocatori hanno a guardare avanti a Endgame – The Ultimate prova a superare e sconfiggere.
- Core gioco incluso. Il gioco originale premiato Guild Wars 2 è incluso con ogni acquisto di Guild Wars 2: cuore di spine.
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4,1 su 5 stelle |
Disponibile su a partire dal | 20 ottobre 2015 |
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Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
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PaulRecensito nel Regno Unito il 17 dicembre 2017
4,0 su 5 stelle Good game, good expansion
Does what it says on the tin. Good game, good expansion.
BollandRecensito nel Regno Unito il 3 settembre 2016
GUILD WARS was a massively multiplayer game which in its original incarnation (Guild Wars: Prophecies, 2005) was added too by purchasing additional games and their product keys to make them playable ... then in August 2012 the company released GUILD WARS 2, and in October 2015 GUILD WARS 2: HEART OF THORNS.
The QUESTION I get asked the most is ''what is the difference between them?''
ANSWER: Well, the original release of Guild Wars 2 contains the main game, the original maps as released until the middle of 2015, and that's a lot of Tyria (the planet you are living on) to explore and interact with and as such you can purchase Guild Wars 2 and fully enjoy the game as it stands, using all of the features and the ''living world'' as it exists in the game and frankly if that's all you wish to do, you can happily purchase the standard edition of Guild Wars 2 and it is very much worth it!
Now the expansion pack (known as Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns) is essentially the same game - everything that you get in the standard game is included in it except Heart of Thorns unlocks more of the living world and gives the characters two major improvements over the original release. The first of these is a new character class, the Revenant Profession and the ability to fly. You cannot fly in the standard release of the game. Now some of you may be saying, ''but I already own the original Guild Wars 2'' and yes, sorry to report in order to get these new maps and new features you will have to upgrade.
To do this, either purchase the upgrade in-game (if you have the standard edition) or by purchasing the Heart of Thorns expansion, wherein you will unlock flight and other aspects of the expansion automatically.
But there is one small catch. You MUST have at least one character leveled to Rank 80 (the maximum level in Guild Wars 2) but that's okay, because on purchasing Heart of Thorns, you are automatically given a BOOST to level any character you may have, be they existing or newly created to level eighty, wherein you can enter level eighty regions and via them, the Heart of Thorns area.
QUESTION: How do I get started?
ANSWER: You purchase the game, you load it up and you expect to be a while with the game updating itself. Be advised, the game has a data file which is at least twenty-six gigabytes in size and once downloaded and installed (all seamlessly) the game will continue to do regular updates with emphasis on a regular smaller update which takes place on average every Tuesday.
Once the game has installed and been verified, you create an account (there is a serial number on the box which allows you to unlock the game - do not ever share that number) and then you may be asked to provide additional verifying information - which incidentally is a good idea as it acts to protect your account and prevent account theft. Typically this takes the form of a message which is sent to an email address or a cell phone which provides a code which in turn positively identifies you so you can run the game.
Once you have actually got the game running, you will be presented with a character creation screen. You select a SLOT and make a character. You can choose from five different species, these being Human, Sylvari, Norn, Charr and Asura.
QUESTION: which is the best species and profession to begin with?
ANSWER: There is no straight answer to that one! But if you're looking for a strong species to play, you can select either Charr (big upright bipedal cat-like warriors) or Norn very tall humanoids) and as for profession, well, each and every profession has its merits and its disadvantages and you learn to play with those in mind, but for those of you who want a edge, you may want to consider the Ranger class as the profession allows the player to have an A.I. pet (of their choice) which can be directed to defend, attack and even heal you if you are downed.
NOTE that you are not bound to one character and that you can add more as desired, and that if a profession is not working for you, you need only make another character and start over again. Be WARNED that if you unlock anything (including the boost to level eighty) on a character and then delete said character, you will delete all unlocks from your account, but CANNOT delete the Heart of Thorns account unlock as this is independent of character manufacture.
Once you have made a character you enter the world of Tyria and view a short film about the world you are about to become part of ... you do an initial mission as a form of introduction and then you are free to go where you wish, how you wish when you wish - and Tyria is a very big place. However, you have the option of doing a Personal Story (its an option and can be picked up and put down as and when you want too).
QUESTION: How do I advance in the game?
ANSWER: Well, you start out with the basics, and the best way of getting going is to explore. Simply run around the maps, engaging in combat which will bring you both ''XP'' (experience points) and recognition. You will from time to time come across places where situations are playing out and you can just leap in - there are no rules - and act to help. This in turn generates karma points (which in turn fills a Heart) wherein you have helped and can move on. You do not need to finish anything in one go - if you wish you can wander where you wish, and do what you wish, as the game keeps track of your accomplishments and you can go back and finish things like that at any time you wish.
As you grow as a character you will be warded periodic unlocks which for example, allow you to weld tools for collecting things like wood, plants and ore (which can subsequently collected and used for crafting things or sold on for cash). You will also be awarded crafting materials, bits of armor and weapons - not all of which you can use so you can sell those items or choose to trade them. Now there are three 'classes' of Armor, these being light, medium and heavy and these three classes are common to all professions, irrespective of what they are but a light armor class of character cannot for example wear medium or heavy armor. The same is true of weapons, and specific classes of character can only weld certain types of weapon as they are profession specific.
Anyway, irrespective of what race you choose you will always begin in one of the low-level areas, which are typically rated levels 1-15 and have 'region gates' at their borders which allow players to leave that region and visit an adjoining one, although be warned some of those regions may consist of considerably higher combat which you would be ill-equipped for.
If you begin as a human being, you will be in Divinity's Reach and Queensdale - a rural area dominated by rolling hill, valleys and lakes. If you choose the Norn (tall humanoids), you will begin in Hoelbrak and the Wayfarer Foothills, a frosty snowy wilderness dominated by ice. If you choose the Sylvari (plant people) you will awake in a lush and semi-tropical paradise, a world of giant plants and exotic animals dominated by jungles and rugged landscapes. If you choose the Charr (giant warrior cats) you will wake to a world of devastation and warfare, of crumbling ruins and blasted moors. And finally, if you choose the Asura (dwarf-like humanoids) you will awake in what amounts to Tyria's most advanced civilization, and a land of jungles and sub-tropical landscapes dominated by ruins and lakes (race images attached).
QUESTION: Do I pay any additional monthly fees?
ANSWER: None whatsoever, once you have purchased the game and installed it; that's it, you're paid up for life. You can make money in-game by playing, selling and manufacturing. The economy makes it possible to purchase upgrades to armor and weapons and objects without you ever needing to give anyone your credit card details.
The reviewer has been playing Guild Wars 2/Heart of Thorns since its release in 2012 and highly recommends it!
Recensito nel Regno Unito il 3 settembre 2016
The QUESTION I get asked the most is ''what is the difference between them?''
ANSWER: Well, the original release of Guild Wars 2 contains the main game, the original maps as released until the middle of 2015, and that's a lot of Tyria (the planet you are living on) to explore and interact with and as such you can purchase Guild Wars 2 and fully enjoy the game as it stands, using all of the features and the ''living world'' as it exists in the game and frankly if that's all you wish to do, you can happily purchase the standard edition of Guild Wars 2 and it is very much worth it!
Now the expansion pack (known as Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns) is essentially the same game - everything that you get in the standard game is included in it except Heart of Thorns unlocks more of the living world and gives the characters two major improvements over the original release. The first of these is a new character class, the Revenant Profession and the ability to fly. You cannot fly in the standard release of the game. Now some of you may be saying, ''but I already own the original Guild Wars 2'' and yes, sorry to report in order to get these new maps and new features you will have to upgrade.
To do this, either purchase the upgrade in-game (if you have the standard edition) or by purchasing the Heart of Thorns expansion, wherein you will unlock flight and other aspects of the expansion automatically.
But there is one small catch. You MUST have at least one character leveled to Rank 80 (the maximum level in Guild Wars 2) but that's okay, because on purchasing Heart of Thorns, you are automatically given a BOOST to level any character you may have, be they existing or newly created to level eighty, wherein you can enter level eighty regions and via them, the Heart of Thorns area.
QUESTION: How do I get started?
ANSWER: You purchase the game, you load it up and you expect to be a while with the game updating itself. Be advised, the game has a data file which is at least twenty-six gigabytes in size and once downloaded and installed (all seamlessly) the game will continue to do regular updates with emphasis on a regular smaller update which takes place on average every Tuesday.
Once the game has installed and been verified, you create an account (there is a serial number on the box which allows you to unlock the game - do not ever share that number) and then you may be asked to provide additional verifying information - which incidentally is a good idea as it acts to protect your account and prevent account theft. Typically this takes the form of a message which is sent to an email address or a cell phone which provides a code which in turn positively identifies you so you can run the game.
Once you have actually got the game running, you will be presented with a character creation screen. You select a SLOT and make a character. You can choose from five different species, these being Human, Sylvari, Norn, Charr and Asura.
QUESTION: which is the best species and profession to begin with?
ANSWER: There is no straight answer to that one! But if you're looking for a strong species to play, you can select either Charr (big upright bipedal cat-like warriors) or Norn very tall humanoids) and as for profession, well, each and every profession has its merits and its disadvantages and you learn to play with those in mind, but for those of you who want a edge, you may want to consider the Ranger class as the profession allows the player to have an A.I. pet (of their choice) which can be directed to defend, attack and even heal you if you are downed.
NOTE that you are not bound to one character and that you can add more as desired, and that if a profession is not working for you, you need only make another character and start over again. Be WARNED that if you unlock anything (including the boost to level eighty) on a character and then delete said character, you will delete all unlocks from your account, but CANNOT delete the Heart of Thorns account unlock as this is independent of character manufacture.
Once you have made a character you enter the world of Tyria and view a short film about the world you are about to become part of ... you do an initial mission as a form of introduction and then you are free to go where you wish, how you wish when you wish - and Tyria is a very big place. However, you have the option of doing a Personal Story (its an option and can be picked up and put down as and when you want too).
QUESTION: How do I advance in the game?
ANSWER: Well, you start out with the basics, and the best way of getting going is to explore. Simply run around the maps, engaging in combat which will bring you both ''XP'' (experience points) and recognition. You will from time to time come across places where situations are playing out and you can just leap in - there are no rules - and act to help. This in turn generates karma points (which in turn fills a Heart) wherein you have helped and can move on. You do not need to finish anything in one go - if you wish you can wander where you wish, and do what you wish, as the game keeps track of your accomplishments and you can go back and finish things like that at any time you wish.
As you grow as a character you will be warded periodic unlocks which for example, allow you to weld tools for collecting things like wood, plants and ore (which can subsequently collected and used for crafting things or sold on for cash). You will also be awarded crafting materials, bits of armor and weapons - not all of which you can use so you can sell those items or choose to trade them. Now there are three 'classes' of Armor, these being light, medium and heavy and these three classes are common to all professions, irrespective of what they are but a light armor class of character cannot for example wear medium or heavy armor. The same is true of weapons, and specific classes of character can only weld certain types of weapon as they are profession specific.
Anyway, irrespective of what race you choose you will always begin in one of the low-level areas, which are typically rated levels 1-15 and have 'region gates' at their borders which allow players to leave that region and visit an adjoining one, although be warned some of those regions may consist of considerably higher combat which you would be ill-equipped for.
If you begin as a human being, you will be in Divinity's Reach and Queensdale - a rural area dominated by rolling hill, valleys and lakes. If you choose the Norn (tall humanoids), you will begin in Hoelbrak and the Wayfarer Foothills, a frosty snowy wilderness dominated by ice. If you choose the Sylvari (plant people) you will awake in a lush and semi-tropical paradise, a world of giant plants and exotic animals dominated by jungles and rugged landscapes. If you choose the Charr (giant warrior cats) you will wake to a world of devastation and warfare, of crumbling ruins and blasted moors. And finally, if you choose the Asura (dwarf-like humanoids) you will awake in what amounts to Tyria's most advanced civilization, and a land of jungles and sub-tropical landscapes dominated by ruins and lakes (race images attached).
QUESTION: Do I pay any additional monthly fees?
ANSWER: None whatsoever, once you have purchased the game and installed it; that's it, you're paid up for life. You can make money in-game by playing, selling and manufacturing. The economy makes it possible to purchase upgrades to armor and weapons and objects without you ever needing to give anyone your credit card details.
The reviewer has been playing Guild Wars 2/Heart of Thorns since its release in 2012 and highly recommends it!
Immagini presenti nella recensione
Neil.ARecensito nel Regno Unito il 31 gennaio 2018
1,0 su 5 stelle Pay for a FREE game,no thanks.
The game was listed as NEW at £29.99 but when i got it through the post and opened it up, it had a reduced to £11 sticker on the front of the plastic! Don't see why i should pay £29.99 for something that's meant to be £11. After a bit of digging i found out that this game is now FREE to download, which added insult to injury. Free or pay money for a game, i know which one i chose. So sent this back.
CRecensito nel Regno Unito il 9 febbraio 2016
2,0 su 5 stelle Lame expansion
I had no problem activating the code but this review is about the game itself. I haven't played the game before but I've heard of it and when HoT came out I wanted to try. But this is not what I expected, dungeons and WvW are dead, and that was what I wanted to play with my friends!!! (and earn money in the process!) Most GW2 players do not care about PvP and it has been proved in a survey so why is Anet trying so hard?
robert moxenRecensito nel Regno Unito il 13 novembre 2016
4,0 su 5 stelle Four Stars
I is fantastic you really should play it.