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Guild Wars 2 - Standard Edition [Edizione: Regno Unito]

Piattaforma : Windows Vista, Windows 7
Classificato: Dai 12 anni in su
3,6 3,6 su 5 stelle 300 voti

4,74 €
Disponibilità: solo 2

Informazioni su questo articolo

  • eventi dinamici
  • Orientati all' azione Combat
  • tentacolare Dungeons
  • competitivo PVP
  • Nessun abbonamento
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Dettagli prodotto

  • Fuori produzione ‏ : ‎ No
  • Età consigliata ‏ : ‎ Dai 12 anni in su
  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Tedesco, Inglese, Francese
  • Manuale ‏ : ‎ Inglese
  • Dimensioni prodotto ‏ : ‎ 13,5 x 1,5 x 19 cm; 117 grammi
  • Data d'uscita ‏ : ‎ 28 agosto 2012
  • Sottotitoli: ‏ : ‎ Tedesco, Inglese, Francese
  • Garanzia e recesso: Se vuoi restituire un prodotto entro 30 giorni dal ricevimento perché hai cambiato idea, consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sul Diritto di Recesso. Se hai ricevuto un prodotto difettoso o danneggiato consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sulla Garanzia Legale. Per informazioni specifiche sugli acquisti effettuati su Marketplace consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto su Resi e rimborsi per articoli Marketplace.
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B007YZ5B0I
  • Numero modello articolo ‏ : ‎ NC100
  • Restrizioni di spedizione: Spedizione: Questo articolo può essere spedito solo all'interno dell'Unione Europea e in altri Paesi selezionati.
  • Recensioni dei clienti:
    3,6 3,6 su 5 stelle 300 voti

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  • Dougie Burn
    1,0 su 5 stelle May be a great game, but,...
    Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 29 agosto 2013
    This item was and still is described as compatible with Macs. It is not. Additionally the box appears to be in Czechoslovakian. Unhappy customer. Additionally box says for Windows XP and description says for Windows Vista. So, even that is wrong. Have received authorization for return and refund, so am grateful for that.
  • S.M. Abaroa
    5,0 su 5 stelle Juegazo
    Recensito in Spagna il 20 marzo 2014
    Graficos increibles, Jugabilidad excelente, me encanta el crafting y el Roleo. Además, las nuevas campañas son muy divertidas. Lo recomiendo
  • Mr. Stephen W. Fulton
    5,0 su 5 stelle Better than World of Warcraft? -YES (mostly)
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 26 gennaio 2013
    In 4 weeks I have gone from Character creation to lv 70, and I love this game more than WOW. Its like an online version of Skyrim. It is the best MMO ever made.
    The Character creation is very detailed allowing you incredible customization, my char looks exactly me in real life. There are only 5 races Humans,Norns(big humans), Charr(Beastmen), Asura(gnome/pixie) and Sylvarri(Dryads/elves).
    The classes are a little unbalanced with warriors and guardians at the top and elementalists as the runt class. The gathering and crafting is excellent and really useful. It is possible to learn all the crafting professions on the same character. My crafting has kept pace with my character levels so I have made all my own jewellery and armor. The combat is very mobile( forget standing in one place as in wow) you need to move out of area of effects quickly and I circle strafe my opponents swinging a sledgehammer to avoid being knocked on my ass. The dungeons are extremely hard ,expect to die quite a lot and bring plenty of coin as repair bills are huge. I have only been able to finish one dungeon so far The Ascalonian catacombs on story mode which is filled with plenty of traps and ghosts and looks so real I nearly had a heart attack from fright at points. The attention to detail in the game is breathtaking (running through water sounds different depending on its depth) and all the npcs in the game have lives of their own and walk around and talk to other npcs in often funny conversations (like Skyrim's guard-"I used to be an adventurer like you till I took an arrow in the knee") The views from vantage points such as cliff edges or city towers are unbelievable with a good graphics card( i had to upgrade from 460gtx to 660gtx to see an extra kilometer into the distance,and my pc no longer sounds like a hairdryer on full blast).
    Are their any downsides? well yes quite a few actually the Havok engine is beautiful but buggy, there are regular weekly patches of enormous size 1-2GB , which caused me to go over my download allowance with BT. There is no dungeon finder. some quests of the same level are easy and others are impossible except in a large group. Travelling around low level areas is still dangerous at high level as your level is demoted to the level of the creatures around you , making mining copper in bandit filled caves a dangerous occupation.
    Is there anything to do at high level? Absolutely-yes. There is dungeon delving, player vs player combat and world vs world(more server vs server) grinding for better equipment and most difficult of all obtaining a legendary weapon. Legendary weapons have the best stats and look beautiful. The sword Twilight looks like a splinter of black void and trails black ash as you swing it. The sword Sunrise looks like a window into sunny cloud filled summers day. These are crafted by the player and take literally hundreds of hours to obtain all the ingredients. Require obtaining things from jumping puzzles( to get a hidden chest you must jump from rock to cliff,to cliff ala Tomb Raider style) pvp and the mystic forge.
    Buy this game if you like Skyrim, Dragonage,WOW,Lord of the rings type games You wont be disappointed and best of all NO MONTHLY CHARGES.
  • Christina
    5,0 su 5 stelle Badassery
    Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 24 agosto 2013
    Guild Wars 2! Amazing game!! its so fun!! especially when you play with others, i have a friend i play this with all the time an i haven't lost interest since my purchase, there's so many places to go an so many options, the character creation is also very fun! an the different races they have an classes are even better!!I love the scenery an its so fun under water when nothings trying to kill you haha i love this game!Highly Recommend it!!
  • Lily44
    1,0 su 5 stelle What a disappointment. As avid Guild Wars players
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 13 agosto 2014
    What a disappointment. As avid Guild Wars players, my other half and I were looking forward so much to Guild Wars 2. We pre-ordered our copies after months and months of waiting, but after only half an hour, we realised how truly awful it was. We struggled with it for a couple of months - mostly because of our love for the original game - but after realising that this game simply did NOT live up to expectations but certainly expected one to visit the cash shop on a regular basis, we gave up on it. Nothing about GW2 is about discovery, everything is pointed out to the player .... ' go here, do this'. How many of the GW players remember setting off to do a mission and having absolutely no clue where to go or what they might find around the next corner. One quest, The Villainy of Galrath, took five of our guildies nearly a whole Sunday to complete - how does that compare with clicking on cows that go 'moo' and have little hearts floating over their heads. Come on ANet - grown ups play these games too, you know - not just children in playschool.

    All in all, very disappointing, and if ever there's a Guild Wars 3, there would be no chance at all that we would be pre-ordering a copy, always supposing we entertained the idea of Guild Wars at all, or indeed anything produced by ANet.

    If I could rate this with no stars at all, I would do so.
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