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Test Drive : Ferrari racing legends [Edizione: Francia]

Piattaforma : Xbox 360
Classificato: Dai 3 anni in su
4,3 4,3 su 5 stelle 33 voti

9,98 €
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{"desktop_buybox_group_1":[{"displayPrice":"9,98 €","priceAmount":9.98,"currencySymbol":"€","integerValue":"9","decimalSeparator":",","fractionalValue":"98","symbolPosition":"right","hasSpace":true,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"VgC51uBXb4MqnMvr5Da70ps2V4LZ5yBWGOVZQ%2BQYiWPYduwEGx5pcE6dNnivuEKl%2B73FGv50LZoognCOZArrNn7CPrmPFBeoBZvr5esTNVDpAcitoq8bGlufgtuWKLiDNHUO2BGQ8W8orjwk8lfRzziSSZujOumvEERrGDDam8thJnme0kO0L3igw%2FhmzFVx","locale":"it-IT","buyingOptionType":"NEW","aapiBuyingOptionIndex":0}]}

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Dettagli prodotto

  • Fuori produzione ‏ : ‎ No
  • Età consigliata ‏ : ‎ Dai 3 anni in su
  • Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese
  • Dimensioni del collo ‏ : ‎ 19,2 x 13,6 x 1,4 cm; 117,93 grammi
  • Data d'uscita ‏ : ‎ 6 luglio 2012
  • Sottotitoli: ‏ : ‎ Tedesco, Inglese, Italiano, Francese
  • Garanzia e recesso: Se vuoi restituire un prodotto entro 30 giorni dal ricevimento perché hai cambiato idea, consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sul Diritto di Recesso. Se hai ricevuto un prodotto difettoso o danneggiato consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto sulla Garanzia Legale. Per informazioni specifiche sugli acquisti effettuati su Marketplace consulta la nostra pagina d'aiuto su Resi e rimborsi per articoli Marketplace.
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B006WVWN0Q
  • Riferimento produttore ‏ : ‎ XB-BI004360M
  • Paese di origine ‏ : ‎ Francia
  • Restrizioni di spedizione: Spedizione: Questo articolo può essere spedito solo all'interno dell'Unione Europea e in altri Paesi selezionati.
  • Recensioni dei clienti:
    4,3 4,3 su 5 stelle 33 voti

Descrizione prodotto

Il marchio leggendario incontra il gioco mitico! Quando uno dei migliori franchise di giochi automobilistici incontra il marchio di auto di lusso più iconico, ottieni la migliore esperienza di gioco su licenza Ferrari di tutti i tempi. Rivivi la storia completa del marchio, guidando 51 veicoli che hanno costruito la reputazione della Ferrari nella classe GT e in Formula 1. Caratteristiche principali Il franchise di successo Test Drive è tornato Sviluppato da Slightly Mad Studios Need for Speed SHIFT 1 & 2 51 Veicoli Ferrari leggendari perfettamente modellati interni ed esterni 36 circuiti antichi e attuali per ripercorrere la storia di successo del marchio con il cavallino rampante Una simulazione di guida con fisica dell'auto degna del marchio Ferrari

Recensioni clienti

4,3 su 5 stelle
33 valutazioni globali

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  • ludovic
    5,0 su 5 stelle unsealed new game
    Recensito in Francia il 15 gennaio 2025
    I was not expecting a new unsealed game. Thank you very much .
  • Florian Stang
    1,0 su 5 stelle Florian stang
    Recensito in Germania il 26 aprile 2015
    Das Spiel ist echt schlecht gemacht. Ich hätte mir was anderes vorgestellt. 1und 2 sind escht super gemacht. G F
  • Sunday Racers
    3,0 su 5 stelle Lower budget "Shift", with Ferraris
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 25 agosto 2012
    Firstly, even though this is a Canadian import, it should run on your UK Xbox, as it's not regionally locked (at least the one I got isn't, and I highly doubt that will change).

    TD: Ferrari Racing Legends is made by the same people (Slightly Mad Studios) who made Shift and Shift 2, and it appears to use the same game engine as the Shift games.

    So, basically, this is Shift with Ferraris, only made on a smaller budget.

    The handling model appears to (pretty much) have be taken straight from Shift 2, as are the graphics, physics and AI which means the game is not bad looking, but the handling and aggressive AI might not be to everyone's taste. It also seems to be darker than Shift / Shift 2 and, so far, I can't find a brightness adjustment option (and I'm not messing with my properly calibrated TV), although you can live with it.

    The difficulty level is pretty crazy, but I like the challenge and (so far), I can't complain about it. I think it would help if you have a reasonable amount of experience of racing games to get the most out of this one. Having said that, I've read reviews that state that the game's difficulty level gets almost impossible as you get towards the end, although I can't confirm that (just warning).

    Not played online yet, but I hope SMS didn't carry over the problems that Shift 2 displayed (game-ruining online collision detection). The original Shift was OK, so here's hoping.

    This isn't meant to be an exhaustive review, as I've only spent a couple of hours playing. I have found the game to be pretty addictive and it has that "one last go" quality about it. Having said that, I don't know if it really warrants a full-price release.

    If you are a big fan of the Shift series, it's probably worth your consideration. If you didn't like Shift or Shift 2, then I wouldn't bother. If you've never played the Shift games, you can download the demo from XBL (I'm sure there is one) and it will give you at least some idea of what TD: Ferrari Racing Legends is like (at least handling and graphics wise). Beware of the crazy difficulty level though!
  • S. Anthony
    3,0 su 5 stelle Pas si mauvais au final.
    Recensito in Francia il 10 febbraio 2014
    Mes raisons d'achat :
    - Pour changer un peu de Forza 4, tout en restant dans l'accessible pour jouer vite fait le soir
    - Pour les circuits anciens, comme Rouen ou Monza, rarement proposés autrement que dans des mods
    - Pour les F1 d'époque : 312 de 1967, ou encore 126 C2
    - Le prix actuel au tour des 10€

    Ce que j'aime, en plus des raisons ci-dessus :
    - Le côté globalement accessible / pas prise de tête
    - La conduite façon "Grand Prix Legends light" de certaines voitures

    Ce que j'aime moins :
    - Le modèle de conduite parfois fantaisiste, qui corrige trop volontiers de lui-même les dérives, et le ressenti global "flottant", nécessitant obligatoirement l'utilisation d'un volant
    - La difficulté qui passe de trop facile à irritante, dans un seul et même niveau de difficulté
    - Le mode carrière antédiluvien, mais néanmoins complet
    - L'IA stupide et rivée à la route en cas de contact

    En résumé :
    Pourquoi une note positive alors qu'il y a davantage de négatif ? Parce que le jeu remplit son office. Me divertir sans trop me prendre le chou. A part un dosage bizarre de la difficulté par moments, et un modèle de conduite parfois curieux, toujours un peu flottant, mais quelque part moins halluciné que dans Shift 2, j'arrive tout de même à éprouver du plaisir à parcourir des circuits d'époque, à bord de voitures fascinantes. Alors oui je pourrais tout à fait retrouver ces voitures sur PC, mais parfois on a juste besoin de quelque chose d'accessible pour une petite partie le soir. Et ce jeu le fait très bien.
  • Amazon Customer
    5,0 su 5 stelle in a class of its own!
    Recensito nel Regno Unito il 22 dicembre 2013
    This fantastic driving game is a little off the beaten track - a rather mixed bundle of experiences, visually and physically. It seems to have a bit of every driving game I've ever raced since the wonderful old Sega days. It takes a bit of getting used to! Once you get into it, it is truly awesome. Visually, the graphic model suits conifers best - so although Rouen looks a bit dream-like, Spa hits you right between the eyes: the fantasy track is miles ahead of other similar attempts: it feels amazingly realistic as a driving experience - taking the highly dangerous 250 Testarossa round at full gallop is one of the most nerve-wracking things I've done with my force feedback steering wheel. It is simply fantastic to drive the old tracks, and feel the fully-realised evolution of the sport as the changing tracks reflect the changing demands and solutions.
    The experience is even more rewarding and eye-opening with the cars. I would say that the F1 cars are easily as good as those on F1 2013 Classic. The manufacturer-limited field is no obstacle to a full racing experience. TD-FRL is convincingly historical and deeply immersive. You will find yourself forgetting it's only a game! It actually decided me to not buy the Xbox ONE! Why should I play a watered-down Forza 5 when I can get my kicks scaring myself to death trying to get a mesmerisingly powerful F1-90 round fabulous Imola? Not only that - it is just brilliant to collect and drive the 1/43 model cars I love so much - most of the 50 Ferraris can be bought at reasonable prices on ebay. What more could you get from a hobby?
    PS I'd be grateful if anyone could recommend a set up to replace my old held-together-with-string Xbox wheel!
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